Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cat Lover

While growing up I called my Grandpa Razy, Kitty Grandpa.  My grandpa had 5 cats at the time and he loved them all a lot, my dad use to joke that he treated the cats better then he treated him.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Importance of Grandparents

There are other benefits to children in having grandparents who are involved in their lives. According to Edwards, Bengston, and Guerney, grandparents provide children with:
- An example of courage and fortitute in the face of life's problems, such as ill health and death.
- Positive images of growing old.
- Reinforcement of moral values.
- A sense of personal identity and family history.
- A sense of global history from someone who has lived the real thing, whether it's World War II or early rock 'n' roll.

Work Cited
Meltz, Barbara F. "The Importance of Grandparent Relationships: [Third Edition]." Boston Globe (pre-1997 Fulltext): 57. National Newspapers Premier. 1990. Web. 13 Mar. 2011 <>.